Providing refugee women hope through sustainable work.

what We Do

We employ refugee women in Beirut, Lebanon to hand-sew greeting cards. The proceeds from the cards go straight to supporting the refugee women and their families. Gift with a purpose today.

our vision

At Woven Dignity, we believe that sustainable work is the key to building a future filled with possibilities, where every woman can reclaim her dignity and thrive. Together, let us continue to weave hope and create lasting change for those who need it most.


Thank You


All Woven Dignity cards are 4.5″ x 7″ and come with an A7 envelope. All our cards are hand-woven by refugee women in Lebanon. Woven Dignity’s mission is to provide refugee women with sustainable work. Proceeds go towards supporting these women and allowing them to regain their dignity.

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Our Women & Mission

Woven Dignity is are a non-profit organization committed to bringing hope and empowerment to refugee women through sustainable employment opportunities. We believe that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances. Our mission is rooted in the desire to restore dignity and create meaningful change in the lives of those who have been forced to flee their homes in the Middle East.

The Inspiration Behind Woven Dignity

Our journey began in August 2019 when my husband and I relocated to Beirut, Lebanon. It was there that I felt a deep calling to work with refugees and witnessed firsthand the immense challenges they face. Many of these individuals have experienced unimaginable loss, violence, and the erosion of their dignity. The realization that they were living in a state of dependency, relying solely on unpredictable handouts, fueled my determination to make a difference.

A Transformational Moment

One year into our journey, I invited three refugee friends to join me in a sewing and card-making project. Initially, they saw it as a fun craft, but when they learned that they would receive a consistent wage for their work, their joy was immeasurable. This marked a turning point in their lives, shifting them from a state of uncertainty to one of stability.

Their dedication and craftsmanship shone through, and as we sold 96 cards, their lives were transformed. They were able to move from a cramped, single-room space they called “prison” to a new home that offers them security, comfort, and the freedom they so deserve. This is the power of weaving dignity back into the lives of women.

Ruth Boyd
CEO, Founder

How we work…

Refugee women join the Woven Dignity team and begin sewing unique, hand-crafted cards.
Card-making provides sustainable work for our refugee women, allowing them to thrive and regain their dignity.
These cards are shipped to our distribution center in the United States where we fulfill purchase orders.

Our Women

I am Rania from Baghdad, Iraq. Due to the situation there I moved to Lebanon where I lived through hard times until I met the Threads of Hope team, who asked me to work and earn some money to feed my family. Thank God for all His blessings.

انا رانيا من بغداد بالعراق. بسبب الأوضاع هناك، انتقلت الى لبنان حيث كنت اعيش ظروفا صعبة إلى أن وجدت فريق خيوط الأمل و طلبوا مني آن أعمل معهم لكي احصل على بعض المال الذي اسطتيع به أن أطعم عائلتي. اشكر الله على جميع بركاته.

Rania – Baghdad Iraq

I am Ameena, I’m a Syrian woman who became a refugee because of the war. I left everything behind, all my wealth and money. I’m asking God to be my helper. I found a way to enter people’s hearts through these cards that I made with the help of one of my daughters Nadia. May they bring joy to your heart. Thank you for your cooperation with me and for your help.


أنا أمينة، امرأة سورية تهجرت بسبب الحرب وأصبحت لاجئة. تركت كل شىء من غنى وثروة ورائي وأطلب من الله أن يكون مساعدي. وقد وجدت سبيلا لأدخل إلى قلوب الناس بواسطة هذه البطاقات التي أصنعها بمساعدة إحدى بناتي ناديا. عسى أن تدخل الفرحة إلى قلوبكم ولكم جزيل الشكر على تعاونكم معي ومساعدتكم لي.

Ameena – Syria